내 정답 코드
import Foundation
func solution(_ my_string:String, _ overwrite_string:String, _ s:Int) -> String {
let index = my_string.index(my_string.startIndex, offsetBy: s)
var resultString = String(my_string.prefix(upTo: index))
resultString += overwrite_string
resultString += String(my_string.suffix(from: my_string.index(index, offsetBy: overwrite_string.count)))
return resultString
1. my_string에서 offsetBy만큼 떨어진 문자의 인덱스를 가져와 string.index 형태로 저장한다.
2. prefix를 이용하여 index값의 전 문자까지 잘라와 저장한다.
3. overwrite_string값을 붙여 저장한다.
4. suffix를 이용하여 나머지 붙여야 하는 문자들을 가져와서 추가 저장한다.
prefix, suffix가 없어도 string.index를 활용하여 일반 배열처럼 사용하여 해결해도 된다.
import Foundation
func solution(_ my_string:String, _ overwrite_string:String, _ s:Int) -> String {
let startIndex = my_string.startIndex
let endIndex = my_string.endIndex
let overStartIndex = my_string.index(startIndex, offsetBy: s)
let overEndIndex = my_string.index(overStartIndex, offsetBy: overwrite_string.count)
// subString -> String 형변환이 필요
let result = String(my_string[startIndex..<overStartIndex]) + overwrite_string + String(my_string[overEndIndex..<endIndex])
return result
배운 기술
1. string.index
String.Index | Apple Developer Documentation
A position of a character or code unit in a string.
2. string.index( )
index(_:offsetBy:) | Apple Developer Documentation
Returns an index that is the specified distance from the given index.
3. prefix(upto)
prefix(upTo:) | Apple Developer Documentation
Returns a subsequence from the start of the collection up to, but not including, the specified position.
3. suffix(from)
suffix(from:) | Apple Developer Documentation
Returns a subsequence from the specified position to the end of the collection.
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